Brigitte Seijô Crépon

Brigitte Seijo Crepon

Brigitte Seijô Crépon was born in 1959. At 16, she started practising zen at the Paris dojo, where she followed Master Taisen Deshimaru’s teaching on a daily basis and went to many sesshins. She received the nun's ordination in 1979.

From 1982 to 1994, she held various posts at the Paris dojo and for the AZI. She is currently assistant general secretary of AZI.

Since 1994, she has been involved in the creation of Kokaiji temple in Vannes (Brittany), where she teaches. She has made several trips to Japan and is a disciple of Otsuka Yuzan Roshi from whom she received Dharma transmission in 2008.

She also works in publishing and was active in the publication of the French translation of Master Dôgen’s Shôbôgenzô.