Presentation Zen Review
The Meaning of Zazen - Giuseppe Jisô Forzani
Contemplative Practice and Medical Art - Dr Daniel Chevassut
Meaning Flows From Our Relationship to TheWorld- Jean-Pierre Taiun Faure
Practice of Zen: a Quest For a Meaning of Life - Roland Yuno Rech
Healing:The Taken on Handicap - Dr Patrick Malle
The Shôbôgenzô Then and Now - Carl Bielefeld
Editorial - Jean-Pierre Taiun Faure
The Individual and Religious Experience - Pierre Dôkan Crépon
The Practice of Zen and Individualism: From Liberation to Self Realization - Roland Yuno Rech
Individualism and Education - Gérard Chinrei Pilet
Individualism and Resonance - Jean-Pierre Taiun Faure
The Individual and the Group: Practice in a Temple - Olivier Reigen Wang-Genh
Claude Lévis-Strauss, a Man of the Way - Raphaël Dôkô Triet
Contents of Zen Review n°91
Editorial - Jean-Pierre Taiun Faure
Buddha Nature in Light of the Lankâvatâra-Sûtra - Gérard Chinrei Pilet
Dôgen and the Buddha Nature - Roland Yuno Rech
Master Dôgen’s Original Awakening - Katia Kôren Robel
The Dharma Talks of Zen Master Bankei – Bankei
Two Fundamental Aspects of Mâhâyanâ Buddhism - Pierre Dôkan Crépon
Meditation of Space - Yoko Orimo
Sodô Yokoyama, Zen Master of the Grass Flute - Evelyn Reikô de Smedt
Sales price 10 euros, contact the IZA office (sent to members).
Click on the file below to read the editorial.