Philippe Reiryu Coupey
Philippe Coupey came to France from the United States in 1968. He practiced Zen at the Paris Dojo with Master Deshimaru, beginning in 1972, and regularly transcribed his teachings in the dojo. His notes from the Val d’Isère summer camp led to the publication of " Sit ", " Zen and Karma" ( Hohm Press ) and " Zen and Buddo" (Editions de l'Eveil ).
Since 1980, he has led sesshins in Europe and, since 1982, he has been a teacher at the Paris dojo. Every year since 1994, he has led a summer session at the Gendronnière temple.
Today Philippe Coupey is the spiritual referent for about thirty dojos and groups in France, Germany and Switzerland. He has published several books on Zen teachings as well as novels under the pseudonym M.C Dalley.
For eight years he made commentaries on the Shin Jin Mei by Master Sosan and published the first volume of these in " In the Belly of the Dragon" (American Zen Association, 2005), "Zen Simply Sitting, Master Dogen’s Fukanzazengi "(Hohm Press, 2006) and "The Song of the Wind in the Dry Tree", Commentaries on Dogen’s Sansho Doei and Koun Ejo’s Komyozo Zanmai (Hohm Press, 2014)