Olivier Reigen Wang-Genh
Olivier Reigen Wang-Genh has been practicing Zen Sôtô since 1973. He was ordinated by Master Taisen Deshimaru in march 1977 and followed him in many sesshins (retreats) both in France and abroad until Master Deshimaru died in 1982.
He actively participated in the building up of the dojo in Strasburg between 1974 and 1982 and takes it lead in 1986.
He developed dojos from 1987 with the help of a few german and french practitioners in Bade-Wurtemberg - in Freiburg, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, Mannheim - as well as in Alsace - in Mulhouse, Colmar, Délestât, Benfeld and in Bâle, Switzerland.
With the help of the whole regional sangha, he founded the Kosan Ryumon Ji monastery in April 1999 in Weiterswiller in Alsace and became its abbot.
Olivier Reigen Wang-Genh received the transmission of the Dharma of Master Dôshô Saikawa - nowadays’ head of Zen Sôtô in Southern America - in 2001.
He is now the delegated president for the religious pole of the French Buddhist Union and the president of the International Zen Association. He is also the president of the Alsatian Buddhist Community.