Raphaël Dôkô Triet
Born in 1950, Raphaël Triet began Zen practice with Master Taisen Deshimaru at the Paris Dojo in 1971, and received the monk's ordination from him in 1973. He followed his master and became one of his close disciples, as part of the core of the sangha at the Paris Dojo.
After Master Deshimaru’s death, he was president of the Paris Dojo from 1990 to 1997 and one of the leaders and teachers in the IZA. He was editor-in-chief of the association’s Zen magazine from 1990 to 2002.
He received Dharma transmission from Master Yuko Okamoto, a close friend of Master Taisen Deshimaru’s, in 1997.
He settled in Spain in 1995 then created the Lisbon dojo in Portugal in 1998. He teaches in these two countries, notably at the Seikyuji temple near Seville, of which he is the abbot, as well as at other sesshins in Europe and at the Gendronnière temple.